By Ernst Wilhelm
Brihat Parashara Hora Sastras Method of how planets influence planets
The Heart of Parashara Astrology
Each planet craves the fulfillment of its goals as signified by its inherent nature and lived out by the Bhavas
it rules. Fulfillment is the result of following natural laws of spiritual, emotional, energetic and physical living.
Only by following these natural laws is fulfillment possible. Any act that does not follow these laws results in a
wasted life, disappointment, disordered living and illness. Parashara’s Lajjitaadi Avasthas reveal these natural
laws in an astrological language while also allowing us to see how each person is living in accordance with these
laws or in detriment to them.
Astrologers often place great emphasis on the Bhavas in which planets are located, their dignities, the Yogas
they form, influence from benefics or malefics, etc. But the single most important consideration that far outweighs
any other consideration or group of considerations are the influences that a planet receives from its friends and
enemies. This, which are the majority of the principles of the Lajjitaadi Avasthas, are the heart of Parashara
Astrology. Everything else revolves around the principles and effects of the Lajjitaadi Avasthas, which is to say,
largely around the effects of the influence between friendly and inimical planets. The fact that there are inimical
and friendly planets that may affect each other lets us know that there are ways that planets can interrupt each
other and create discord in our lives, and ways in which they can increase the happiness in our lives. It is this that
the Lajjitaadi Avasthas will reveal.
Due to each planet having several friendly planets, there is almost always some supportive influence that each
planet is getting from a friend or favorable Lajjitaadi Avastha which indicates a healthy strategy towards life that
will result in fulfillment. Similarly, due to there being many unfriendly planets, there is always an element of
unhealthy strategies that will result in disappointments and pains. Thus, even in the most powerful appearing
charts where all planet’s are in good dignity and forming strong Yogas, there will be disappointments and lack of
fulfillment. As happiness is the goal of life and as only the Lajjitaadi Avasthas reveal the attitudes and behaviors
that result in happiness or unhappiness, the Lajjitaadi Avasthas become the single most important factor to analyze
in the horoscope and are the “Heart of Parashara Astrology.”
Lajjito garvitazcaiva kSudhitastRSitastathA, muditaH kSobhitazcaiva planetbhAvAH prakIrtitAH.
“Lajjita, Garvita, Kshudhita, Trishita, Mudita and also Kshobhita are called the states of the planets.”