Atmakaraka & Karakamsa


Kārakāṁśa is composed of two words – (1) ‘kāraka’ referring to the ātmakāraka specifically and other Charakāraka (temporal significators) as well and (2) ‘aṁśa’ referring to the navāṁśa and other divisional charts. Kārakāṁśa refers to the navāṁśa (and/or other divisional charts) where the ātmakāraka is placed and such a sign is treated as the kārakāṁśa-lagna or seat of the real self, the soul and the first house for determining all things connected to deep inner desires and creation cause itself.


The sign/navāṁśa occupied by the ātmakāraka gives us a clue as to the desire of the ātman and the nature of the ātmakāraka gives us vital information about the nature of the ātman, its spiritual development etc. Some of my experiences are listed below:

  1. If a malefic planet is the ātmakāraka, it indicates a high level of spiritual development whereas a benefic planet as the ātmakāraka indicates a relatively lower level. Example: Rāhu was the ātmakāraka for Srila Prabhupada and Ramakrishna Paramhaṁśa.
  2. The ātmakāraka invariably indicates suffering during its Vimśottari daśā, especially if a malefic. During the Nārāyaṇa daśā of the sign occupied by the ātmakāraka or those aspecting it, great achievements are made. If the native is spiritually inclined then the daśā of the ātmakāraka can be beneficial.
  3. A retrograde ātmakāraka indicates a deep-rooted desire as being the cause of the birth. This has to be seen from the nature of the planet which becomes the AK. For example, if Mars is AK and retrograde, then there is a very strong desire related to succeeding in some battle or competition in this planet and the native will be dragged into innumerable fights and will be fighting all the time. The solution lies in finding the best self defense strategies based on Kārakāṁśa of which, Ahimsa is the greatest. Similarly, if Saturn is the retrograde AK then the desire would manifest in the native doing something related to the elders or old knowledge in new bottles. When retrograde, this desire is very strong and will be the cause of all direction in life. The other signification of Saturn is sorrow and if the native gives sorrow to others, especially elders and those who are like Guru, then know that he is running a bad time and a lot of sorrow is in his destiny (in any case). The best remedy for him would be to develop a stoic attitude towards the acts and words of others and keep prodding in his path. In this manner, the retrogression is to be understood.
  4. Combustion of AK gives spiritual insight.

Planets as ātmakāraka: 

1.       Sun as AK indicates the native has to learn to overcome his ego and should become humble.

2.       Moon as AK indicates that the native should be very caring and compassionate.

3.       Mars as AK indicates that the native should refrain from all forms of violence and stick to the path of Ahimsa.

4.       Mercury as AK indicates that the native should control his speech and be truthful at all times.

5.       Jupiter as AK indicates that the native should always respect the Guru, husband and care for children.

6.       Venus as AK indicates that the native must have a very clean character and refrain from illegitimate sex/lust.

7.       Saturn as AK indicates that the native cannot give sorrow to others and will have to share the sorrow of many others.

8.       Rāhu as AK indicates that the native maybe cheated often and will still have to be free from guile and clean hearted.

Ātmakāraka in signs & houses

Jaimini has indicated the results of various navāṁśa for the placement of AK. Read this carefully and make a list for ready reference.

AK in different houses from Lagnāṁśa

(Hint: Count the number of signs from AK to navāṁśa lagna, the number shall indicate the results of the house that shall predominate. check the strength of Karaka of such house; do this exercise both in Rāśi and navāṁśa Chart; Rāśi chart results like that of Sri Krishna & other great persons while navāṁśa for all others.)

  1. If AK is in navāṁśa Lagna, the native belongs to a royal family/ is of noble birth and lineage. If navāṁśa Lagna Lord conjoins AK, then the native, although of humble origin shall rise to a high rank equal to a king. If the AK aspects navāṁśa Lagna, then Royal association shall be present from birth. The natural karaka of 1st house (Sun) should be strong to indicate the extent of Rājayoga.
  2. If AK is in 2nd house, the native shall be very spiritual and a great saint. If Saturn is strong, the renunciation shall be complete whereas if Venus is strong the native shall perform severe austerities.
  3. If AK is in 3rd house, the native shall be rich and successful in many undertakings. He shall be a friend of many powerful people.
  4. If AK is in 4th house the native shall be a Karma Yogi. If the Moon and Jupiter are strong, he shall have fame whereas if the Sun is strong Rajyoga and a strong Saturn indicate a hard working person.
  5. If AK is in 5th house the native is Dharma Parayana i.e. obeys the laws of his dharma diligently and is straightforward. If Sun is strong, he shall have many good yogas. Blessings of his father shall always protect him.
  6. If AK is in 6th house, the native is diseased and troubled. Propitiate as per Saturn or Lord Satya Nārāyana, fast on full Moon days and speak the truth OM TAT SAT.
  7. If AK is in 7th house, the native is blessed with a clean heart and many joys. If Venus is strong, marriage shall be a great blessing.
  8. If AK is in 8th house, the native has many troubles and weaknesses. He is defeated in war. Propitiate as per Saturn or Lord Satya Nārāyana, fast on full Moon days and speak the truth OM TAT SAT.
  9. If AK is in 9th house, the native is a very pious person and is wealthy and fortunate.
  10. If AK is in 10th house, the native is blessed with a clean heart and good home. He shall be a pillar for his family and mother; the Moon in strength shall be an added blessing for this.
  11. If AK is in 11th house, the native shall be brave, successful in war and capable of executing any task. If Mars is strong there shall be Rājayoga.
  12. If AK is in 12th house the native is very rich and blessed by Lakshmi.

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