Lajjitaadi Avasthas

By Ernst Wilhelm

Brihat Parashara Hora Sastras Method of how planets influence planets

 The Heart of Parashara Astrology

 Each planet craves the fulfillment of its goals as signified by its inherent nature and lived out by the Bhavas

it rules. Fulfillment is the result of following natural laws of spiritual, emotional, energetic and physical living.

Only by following these natural laws is fulfillment possible. Any act that does not follow these laws results in a

wasted life, disappointment, disordered living and illness. Parashara’s Lajjitaadi Avasthas reveal these natural

laws in an astrological language while also allowing us to see how each person is living in accordance with these

laws or in detriment to them.

Astrologers often place great emphasis on the Bhavas in which planets are located, their dignities, the Yogas

they form, influence from benefics or malefics, etc. But the single most important consideration that far outweighs

any other consideration or group of considerations are the influences that a planet receives from its friends and

enemies. This, which are the majority of the principles of the Lajjitaadi Avasthas, are the heart of Parashara

Astrology. Everything else revolves around the principles and effects of the Lajjitaadi Avasthas, which is to say,

largely around the effects of the influence between friendly and inimical planets. The fact that there are inimical

and friendly planets that may affect each other lets us know that there are ways that planets can interrupt each

other and create discord in our lives, and ways in which they can increase the happiness in our lives. It is this that

the Lajjitaadi Avasthas will reveal.

Due to each planet having several friendly planets, there is almost always some supportive influence that each

planet is getting from a friend or favorable Lajjitaadi Avastha which indicates a healthy strategy towards life that

will result in fulfillment. Similarly, due to there being many unfriendly planets, there is always an element of

unhealthy strategies that will result in disappointments and pains. Thus, even in the most powerful appearing

charts where all planet’s are in good dignity and forming strong Yogas, there will be disappointments and lack of

fulfillment. As happiness is the goal of life and as only the Lajjitaadi Avasthas reveal the attitudes and behaviors

that result in happiness or unhappiness, the Lajjitaadi Avasthas become the single most important factor to analyze

in the horoscope and are the “Heart of Parashara Astrology.”

Lajjito garvitazcaiva kSudhitastRSitastathA, muditaH kSobhitazcaiva planetbhAvAH prakIrtitAH.

“Lajjita, Garvita, Kshudhita, Trishita, Mudita and also Kshobhita are called the states of the planets.”

Lajjitaadi Avastha means, “ashamed, etc. condition.” The Lajjitaadi Avasthas are named thus because the first

Avastha in the group is called Lajjita, “ashamed.” There are six Avasthas in the Lajjita group: Lajjita “ashamed,”

Garvita “proud,” Kshudhita “starved,” Trishita “thirsty,” Mudita “delighted” and Kshobhita “agitated.” An

individual will feel ashamed, healthily proud, starved, thirsty, delighted or agitated with their life, in accordance

with these six Avasthas.

Lajjitaadi Avasthas and Natural Relationships

When considering Lajjitaadi Avasthas, it is the natural relationships between the planets which must be



 Friendly Neutral Inimical

Sun: Moon, Mars, Jupiter Mercury Venus, Saturn

Moon: Sun, Mercury Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn None

Mars: Sun, Moon, Jupiter Venus, Saturn Mercury

Mercury: Sun, Venus Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Moon

Jupiter: Sun, Moon, Mars Saturn Mercury, Venus

Venus: Mercury, Saturn Mars, Jupiter Sun, Moon

Saturn: Mercury, Venus Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars

Quantifying Avasthas with Parashara’s Strengths

1. Shad Bala is given its extensive and dedicated chapter in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra where all the

calculations are given, though with no actual direction which is typical of the text. Shad Bala is important

whenever a planet’s overall and exact strength is required. It is the most compressive strength of any

astrological system and presents many incredible insights into the workings and behaviors of the

individual. I have a course dedicated to Shad Bala entitled, Shad Bala, Seven Facets of the planets, that I

strongly recommend. Lajjitaadi Avasthas work directly with Shad Bala to reveal the overall level of

fulfillment a planet achieves.

All planets have their Shad Bala value as a base value for the fulfillment of their necessary activities. If the

Shad Bala of a planet is less than the required minimum value for the planet, then the planet is not able (through

its own powers) to fulfill its responsibilities to a level necessary for wellbeing and fulfillment. No planet, however,

works in isolation, and so a planet’s ability to fulfill its required activities varies dramatically in respect to the

planets influencing it in accordance with the principles of the Lajjitaadi Avasthas. planets in favorable Lajjitaadi

Avasthas gain strength, while those in unfavorable Avasthas loose strength. These Lajjitaadi Avastha influences

are an up and down influence throughout life in accordance with the Dasas. A planet can be influenced by several

Avasthas, not all of them are cumulative, thus great care must be taken in examining each Avastha.

 The first and easy examination of a planet is simply to examine its Shad Bala value. If it’s Shad Bala value

is less than its minimum required, then it will not be able to fulfill its responsibilities completely. The minimum

required Shad Balas for all the planets are as per the table.

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

390 360 300 420 390 330 300

Committing the minimum required Shad Balas to memory is a good idea as these values will be utilized when

coming to Lajjitaadi Avastha influences.



Many Lajjitaadi Avasthas require aspects. All aspects are planetary aspects measured out from a value of

0-60 points as shown in the Planetary Aspects Table.


Each planet has a role to fulfill in order to provide the individual with a sense of fulfillment, happiness and

health. A planet attempts to fulfill this role by focusing on the other planets. Depending on the planets focused

upon, a planet will cause an experience to the focused upon planet that is more or less fulfilling to the individual.

In addition, the planets that focus upon another planet will dictate the ability of that planet to fulfill its role. A

planet focuses upon the planet in its Rasi, the planet which it planetary aspects to any degree, the planet with

whom it shares a Rasi, and the planet with which it shares a planetary lord. Said another way: The planets that

focus on a particular planet support or disrupt the planet in the fulfillment of its responsibilities; while the planets

that a particular planet is focused on reveal the strategy, whether healthy or unhealthy, of the planet to fulfill its

responsibility. Between these two things the total ability, or lack thereof, of a planet to fulfill its responsibilities

is indicated.

The Human Organism has four bodies: the Spiritual, the Self-Conscious Emotional, the Energetic and the

Physical. The Spiritual is not truly a body, for a body is something that exits for a time and then perishes or is

cast aside. The Spiritual is rather a Spark of God Consciousness that is ever existing. This Spark is encased in a

body of self-consciousness which relates emotionally – casually called the Emotional Body. The self-conscious

emotionally centered body is itself encased in an energetic body which directly creates and effects the physical

body, in which it, the energetic body, becomes incased. There are thus four levels to the Organism and each

planet has a role to fulfill on each level, thus each planet has not one simple role, but four roles to fulfill. A

planet always attempts to fulfill these roles simultaneously, however, some roles are much more difficult to

fulfill due to disorders that may be present to the inspired knowing of the Spiritual, or to disorders of the

emotional, energetic or physical bodies.

Sun’s Role

Sun’s role is to creatively co-create, through the agency of inspiration, so as to make the world a more

wonderful and healthy place to exist. planet’s which focus upon the Sun affect the Sun’s ability to live an inspired

and creative life. The planets upon which the Sun focuses are those which the Sun focuses its creative powers


Moon’s Role

The Moon’s role is to provide self-nourishment and the continuation of healthy life through renewal and

adaptation. planets which focus upon the Moon affect the Moon’s ability for self-nourishment, renewal and

adaptation. The planets upon which the Moon focus are those through which the Moon attempts to be nourished

and renewed and those which the Moon attempts to adapt.

Mars’s Role

Mars’s role is to exert energy so as to become and remain healthy, protected and fulfilled. planets which focus

upon Mars affect Mars’s ability to productively exert its energy through effective strategy, discipline and common

sense in order to become and remain healthy, protected and fulfilled. The planets upon which Mars focuses are

those that Mars focuses his energy towards in an attempt to do something of value. Mars is the planet through

which the individual exerts what is in their consciousness.


Mercury’s Role

Mercury’s role is to create a life that works – a life of balanced fulfillment, by investigating through research,

listening and communicating, the different ways, possibilities and resources that exist in their lives in order to

make the most of their lives. planets that focus upon Mercury affect Mercury’s ability to research and discover

successful methods and paths. planets that Mercury focuses upon are those through which Mercury attempts to

find the best possible path.

Jupiter’s Role

Jupiter’s role is to taste and manifest the indwelling virtues of wisdom and joy. Tasting this virtue is to dwell

in joy. The inner virtue is manifested as a husband, children and a life of goodness and purpose. planets that focus

upon Jupiter determine Jupiter’s ability to inwardly deepen wisdom and joy and to manifest virtue as a beautiful

concrete example of the inner virtue. The planets that Jupiter focuses upon determine that through which Jupiter

attempts to deepen the wisdom and joy that is only available within, and which is the source of any manifestation

of goodness.

Venus’s Role

Venus’s role is to healthily obtain necessary fulfillment and nourishment from the world in a way that is not

damaging to the Organism or to others. This means to make healthy choices, to only let that in which is good for

the Organism. The core of doing this is self-worth, self-worth is the measurement by which we allow other things

into our lives. Low self-worth allows low things, healthy self-worth allows only healthy things. Ultimately this

means to find fulfillment and nourishment naturally, as only natural living is healthy. For this reason Venus rules

natural living. planets that focus upon Venus affect Venus’s self- worth and thus his ability to make healthy

choices that provide true nourishment and fulfillment without disrupting the Organism or life in the process.

planets that Venus focuses upon are those which Venus appraises as favorable or unfavorable to the Organism –

if the planet is favorable appraised, Venus will attempt to benefit from an external form of that planet; if the planet

is unfavorable appraised, Venus will refrain from letting it into the life of the individual.

Saturn’s Role

Saturn’s role is to promote the physical survival and health of the Organism. Physical survival revolves around

the survival of the body with which the ego is fully identified, thus Saturn’s role has, by extension, the

responsibility of promoting the survival of the ego. The planets which focus upon Saturn affect Saturn’s ability

to survive and live a healthy life that is free from mental, emotional, energetic and physical disease. The planets

that Saturn focuses on are those of which something must be lost.

Every planet has specific planets that support its ability to fulfill its role and other planets that disrupt its ability

to fulfill its role, while others neither support or disrupt. Similarly, each planet can make a healthy, unhealthy or

mediocre attempt to fulfill its role depending upon the planets that it influences. The rules by which such healthy

and fulfilling and unhealthy and unfulfilling strategies are determined are the Lajjitaadi Avasthas.

The Six Lajjitaadi Avasthas


“A planet in the 5th or joining Rahu or Ketu, and conjunct the Sun, Saturn, or Mars, such a planet is spoken of as



Lajjita Avastha is in effect when a planet that is joined with the Sun, Saturn or Mars is in the 5th or joined with

Rahu or Ketu.

 Lajjita Avasthas is the least common Avastha as its requirements are a bit more difficult to fulfill than that of

other Avasthas. Its effects are not cumulative with that of any other negative Avastha, though it can, and almost

always does, form along with some other negative Avastha. It is contrasted by the Garvita “proud” Avastha to be

explained next. The steps to measure a Lajjita planet are:

1. The Shad Bala value of the joining shaming planet, whether the Sun, Saturn or Mars, indicates the degree

of shame felt and this is to be subtracted from the Shad Bala of the shamed planet.

2. If the Shad Bala value of the planet after its reduction from the Sun, Saturn or Mars, as the case may be,

is less than the minimum required of the planet then the shame will be noticeably felt and a lasting trauma

to some degree.

3. If the Shad Bala value of the planet after its reduction is reduced to zero or less, than the shame will be


4. The shame will always revolve around the Rasi in which the shamed planet is placed and any house cusps

that fall in that Rasi.

5. The shame will be more difficult to bear if the Sun is starved. Sun starving Saturn can also make shame

very difficult to bear and empty pride may cause the individual to convince themselves that nothing is

their fault.

It is very important to understand that the foundation for the shame may be that of Rahu or Ketu, depending

on who is taking part in the shaming. If Rahu, the foundation is a dullness, a lack of response to stimuli – the

individual then requires extreme stimuli in order to fully experience anything and the need for extremes so often

gives cause for shame as negative things can only come from extremes. If Ketu is taking part in the shaming,

then the foundation for the shame is oversensitivity - sensitivity so great it is a debilitating weakness that

prevents the individual from living a normal life and which thus causes a feeling of shame.


“Being in exaltation place or also Trikona causes Garvita, which is also known as Nirvishamka, Dvijottama.”

Garvita Avastha is in effect when a planet is in exaltation or Mulatrikona. The planet in Garvita Avastha feels

a healthy sense of pride and confidence in respect to its accomplishments and high productivity. Garvita Avastha

is also known as Nirvishamka “fearless/confident” Avastha, due to its ability to withstand the unfavorable

influences of other planets.

Such a planet can weather the unfavorable Avastha effects coming from being shamed, starved, thirsty or

agitated and still come out okay or even ahead. This gives it very good reason to be “proud.” A planet in Garvita

can weather up to its own Shad Bala value before beginning to succumb to the ill influences of any other

unfavorable Avasthas.

1. Garvita is the one Avastha that can help a planet that is in the Lajjita Avastha.

2. Garvita Avastha also helps a planet in the other unfavorable Avasthas: Kshudhita, Trishita and

Kshobhita. 3. The better the Avasthas of Venus the more powerfully felt will be the Garvita Avastha as it

is Venus who is the righteously proud planet. Garvita will also be more powerfully felt if Venus causes

Mudita to Saturn.



“In enemy’s Rasi, enemy joining, enemy aspecting, in that case Kshudhita is caused; and so it is also known when

Saturn joins.”

Kshudhita “starved” Avastha is in effect when a planet is in an enemy’s Rasi, joined with an enemy, planetary

aspected by an enemy or when joined by Saturn, thus there are four distinct possibilities that form Kshudhita


A planet in Kshudhita Avastha loses the Shad Bala influence of the enemy planet that causes the Kshudhita.

If this influence comes from being in a Rasi, the value lost is that of the Shad Bala of the lord of the Rasi. If this

influence comes from the conjunction of a planet, the value lost is that of the Shad Bala of the joining planet. If

this influence comes from an aspect, the value lost is that of the Shad Bala multiplied by the aspectual value

divided by 60.

1. If the Shad Bala of the starved planet is reduced to less than its minimum required Shad Bala by any single

enemy planet, then at some point there will be significant disappointment with the starved planet.

2. If the Shad Bala of the starved planet is reduced to zero or less by any single enemy planet, then at some

point there will be a devastating disappointment with respect to the starved planet.

3. A planet in Garvita Avastha can withstand being starved to a much greater degree than other planets due

to the benefit of its additional Shad Bala, and so it can prevent starvation.

4. Kshudhita Avastha of any planet will be extremely painful with traumatic residue when Saturn is starved

by the Sun, Moon or Mars; or when Saturn is weak in Shad Bala. In this case the pain will result in mental,

emotional, energetic or physical trauma respectively.

5. Due to having no enemies, the Moon will only be in Kshudhita Avastha when its joined with Saturn.


“A planet standing in a water rasi and aspected by an enemy with no auspiscious planet aspecting is said to be


Trishita Avastha is in effect whenever a planet is in a water Rasi and planet aspected by an enemy.

Additionally, a Saumya planet aspecting combats the Trishita. An inimical planet joining a planet in a watery rasi

will only cause Kshudhita, it is only the aspecting enemy that will cause Trishita. As the name Trishita “thirsty”

implies, Trishita Avastha indicates the lack of emotional fulfillment that a planet experiences.

Trishita Avastha is a separate Avastha from the very closely related Kshudhita Avastha. When Trishita is

there, Kshudhita is always present as well, but each has to be read and analyzed separately. First, analyze the

Kshudhita influences, this will indicate the level of disappointing hardship that the planet experiences. Then

determine the Trishita Avastha effect by subtracting the Shad Bala of the aspecting planet multiplied by the

aspectual value divided by 60, from the Shad Bala of the planet (including any strength gained from being in

Garvita). To this, add the Shad Bala times aspect value divided by 60 of any Subha planets aspecting who are not

enemies. The result is the thirst of the planet.

1. If the thirst takes the planet below its minimum required Shad Bala, then the planet feels that the effort to

have success in this hard and competitive world is not really worth the fulfillment given.

2. If the thirst takes the planet’s Shad Bala to zero or less, than the planet’s experiences confirm to the

individual that the fight is not at all worth the fulfillment given and all desires and hopes are abandoned.

3. A planet in Garvita Avastha can withstand being thirsted to a much greater degree than other planets due

to the benefit of its additional Shad Bala, and so it can prevent thirst. 

4. Due to having no enemies, the Moon will never be in the Trishita Avastha.

5. Trishita Avastha of any planet will be all the more painful if the Moon is starved or agitated or if the

Moon starves Saturn.

6. Trishita Avasthas reveals that a planet in a watery Rasi, though starved by an aspecting enemy, will,

through its capacity to be easily pleased with just some gentle treatment will not suffer as much as a

Kshobhita planet because they simply do not need as much, simply some kindness will suffice.


“In friend’s Rasi, joined with a friend and aspected by a friend, and that joined with Jupiter is called Mudita.”

Mudita Avastha is in effect when a planet is in a friend’s Rasi, joined with a friend, planet aspected by a friend

or joined by Jupiter, thus there are four distinct possibilities that form Mudita Avastha.

A planet in Mudita Avastha gains the Shad Bala influence of the planet that causes the Mudita. If this influence

comes from being in a Rasi, the value gained is that of the Shad Bala of the lord of the Rasi. If this influence

comes from the conjunction of a planet, the value gained is that of the Shad Bala of the joining planet. If this

influence comes from an aspect, the value gained is that of the Shad Bala multiplied by the aspectual value divided

by 60.

1. Mudita is the most common way in which a planet becomes fulfilled. While Mudita is just one of two

desirable Avasthas in competition with four unfavorable Avasthas, planets have more friends so it’s not

as “unfair” as it may first appear.

2. The favorable Mudita Avastha does not prevent starvation, thirst or agitation; rather it indicates a very

happy time in life at some point, but that does not mean the planet in a negative Avastha does not have its

full impact. When the happy time does come, however, it can be a very healing period for that which

happened when the starvation or thirst was experienced.

3. Saturn joining is never treated as a friend in respect to this Avastha, since Saturn joining forms the

previously mentioned inauspicious Kshudhita Avastha.

4. A planet joined by the Sun does not form Mudita Avastha even if the Sun is its friend; instead, the planet

forms the inauspicious Kshobhita Avastha mentioned below. A planet, who is a friend to the Sun and who

is joined by the Sun does, however, cause Mudita to the Sun.

5. The better the Avasthas of Jupiter the more powerfully felt will be the Mudita Avastha as Jupiter

represents our happiness.


“Joined with the Sun, and that aspected by all the Paapas should be known as Kshobhita if an enemy is aspecting.”

Kshobhita Avastha is in effect when a planet is joined by the Sun or is aspected by all three Kruura planet and

at least one enemy, thus there are two possibilities for Kshobhita Avastha.

A planet in Kshobhita Avastha caused by the Sun has its Shad Bala reduced by the Shad Bala of the Sun. In

the event that the Kshobhita is caused by the aspect of an enemy, then the Shad Bala of the aspecting planet

multiplied by its aspectual value divided by 60 is subtracted from the Shad Bala of the agitated planet, which

reveals the degree of lack, or starvation experienced. In addition to this realize that the planet becomes utterly

incapable of producing due to the aspects of the Kruura planets – unless the planet is also Garvita or Mudita. 

1. When Kshobhita Avastha is indicated by the aspect of a cruel enemy, that same enemy will also be causing

Kshudhita Avastha. This means that such a Kshudhita planet is not only suffering starvation, it’s also very

blocked and frustrated, so this is a more painful type of Kshudhita.

2. Kshobhita Avastha is more painful when Mars is starved or when Mars starves Saturn.

3. When the Sun causes Kshobhita Avasthas by joining a planet, the planet may also be in Kshudhita

Avasthas if the Sun is an enemy. In this event, the effects of both Avasthas will be realized, but not these

are not cumulative.

A planet in Kshobhita indicates that the individual invests his individuality into the Kshobhita planet in such

a way that only frustration will result. All the planets are satellites of the Sun and need to be used as such – as

good things in life but things which are not the individual. When a planet joins the Sun, the individual begins to

see the other planet as an extension of themselves, rather than as something that can be used, and thus becomes

personally frustrated with something that should not be personal. The individual must learn to use these planets


Note: Consider two planets in differnet Rasis ruled by the same planet to have the same effect as conjunction.

 Effects of Lajjitaadi Avasthas

“In whichever Bhava a planet is standing that which is in Kshudhita or Kshobhita in every respect, the effects of

that Bhava are lost.”

 The two Avasthas: Kshudhita and Kshobhita are the two most damaging Avasthas. When a planet has only

Kshudhita and Kshobhita influences, and no Garvita or Mudita influences, it will not only be completely

unproductive, it will entirely destroy the Rasi in which it is placed and thus any Bhava cusps falling in that Rasi.

If it has more Kshudhita and Kshobhita influences than Mudita and Garvita influences, it will be productive at

times only to loose everything at other times and significantly damage the Rasi it is placed in, though not destroy

it completely. On the other hand, a planet with only Garvita and Mudita influences will reveal a most healthy Rasi

and be extremely productive. If the Garvita and Mudita influences are greater than the Kshudhita and Kshobhita

influences, then the Rasi will fare relatively well and the planet itself be relatively productive.


In order to understand the full effects of the Avasthas the astrologer must understand the nature of disease.

Disease originates in the mind with a thought that is not true. The untruthful thought creates an emotional need

that cannot be fulfilled. This need results in the individual’s effort, or energy, to be frustrated. The energy being

frustrated results in physical disease. Health if the very opposite of disease: Health starts with a thought that is

true. The truthful thought only creates emotional needs that can be fulfilled. Fulfilling needs creates a satiation

for every effort made and thus balance is maintained and physical health is maintained.

The priceless physical incarnation allows for the healing of disease - the removal of ignorance which is caused

by the egocentric idea of separate existence. The physical incarnation allows this healing through the gateway of

the body – the gateway that allows disease to leave the mind, the emotions, the energy and the physical gateway


The physical body is also the doorway through which the instigators of disease, of any level, enter the body,

the energy, the emotions or the mind. Such diseases enter the body through the agency of Trauma – trauma being

defined as a stressful event that hurts the Body, Energy, Emotions or Mind due, and only due, to the Organism

holding a disease that is linked to the Trauma. Stress for which the Organism holds no disease, is not Trauma, it 

will not cause disease, it will only cause short term discomfort that the Organism will adapt to, process, and move


Disease that is symbolic of one’s weakness, whether mental, emotional, energetic or physical, enters through

and only through the gateway of the body. It may enter the gateway of the body through one of its five senses,

such as hearing negative things about itself, or from experiencing pain from a bully’s beating. Or it may enter the

body through ingestion, absorption, inhalation, etc. essentially through one of its orifices or through one of its

covering membranes. For these stresses to produce disease, rather than short-term discomfort, they must be

Traumas, which is to say, the Organism must hold the disease within itself, which is to say it has a weakness or

predisposition to the disease.

Pain and it opposite, fulfillment, move through the mental, emotional, energetic and physical bodies:

Movement from Physical to Energetic to Emotional

Physical disorders tax the energetic body, which is to say the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous systems,

which immediately affects the mood. Chronic physical disorders thus bring about energetic and simultaneous

emotional illness and may in great time, bring about mental disorders. Thus, when physical predispositions

towards disease are seen, there will also be energetic and emotional disorders, but these disorders are due to

physical weakness, nothing more. Healing the physical disease will quickly erase the emotional stresses.

Movement from Emotional to Mental

The finest instrument that is the mind, readily raises itself above Emotional illness, and keeps on performing

its highest destiny – though it will not find any reward or joy in doing so and thus not being energized does less.

This is not Mental illness, it is more like a hungry runner who just can’t run as fast, but still runs the best he can

under the circumstances.

Movement from Mental to Emotional

Mental illness does not quickly move to the Emotional level, though in time it will.

Emotional to Energetic to Physical

Very quick motion. Emotions excite the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous systems of the energetic

body, which immediately stress the physical organs. Chronic emotional extremes, therefore, disrupt organic

health. Thus, when emotional predispositions towards disease are seen, there will also be energetic and physical

disorders, but these physical disorders are due to emotional disease. Treating the emotional disease quickly repairs

the physical disorders.

Movement from Physical to Mental

Physical disease cannot move directly to mental disease. It will, however, move to the energetic and then

emotional body and in due time may affect the mental.

Movement from Mental to Emotional to Energetic to Physical

Disorders in the mental body does not quickly affect the physical body. They must first affect the emotional

body, upon which the emotional body quickly affects the energetic body which quickly affects the physical body.

In advising an individual in regards to the care they require to feel better mentally, emotionally, energetically

or physically, it is important to know at what level the disease originates, as it is on that level that the pain must

be treated.



Health is the absence of disease, which is a feeling of freedom. To be limited is to be diseased, to be healthy

is to be free. It is the favorable Avasthas that create health, or a state of freedom. Thus, to be healthy in

relationships is to have the freedom to be with whom one loves. To be healthy in work is to be free to create the

work that one wishes. It is the creative Sun whose potential is unlimited, thus the Sun’s Avasthas reveal the

foundation for a person’s freedom. It is Saturn who is limited, who is the slave to wrong thinking and attitudes,

thus Saturn’s Avasthas are the foundation for the individual to become a slave, to be forced into doing that which

they do not want to do and to get that which they do not want to have.

Freedom and slavery manifest as health on all four levels of mind, emotion, energy and body. Mental health

is to have the freedom to create and bring light into one’s world. Mental disease is to be a slave of a poorly

functioning creative faculty and as a result, a slave to other’s ambitions. Emotional health is to have the freedom

of peace. Emotional disease is to be a slave to one’s passions, needs and emotional vulnerabilities. Energetic

health is to have the freedom of directed energy and discipline. Energetic disease is to be a slave to impulses.

Physical health is to have the freedom to use the body in any way desired. Physical disease is to be a slave to the

body’s aches, debilities and weaknesses.


Everything is a manifestation of God. The Sun is at the center of the solar system and thus the first planet and

represents the manifestation of God that we are. Additionally, the Sun is the foundation of all the manifestations

of God that we have in our lives (planets Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus) because of what we are.

Saturn is at the edge of the solar system and thus the last planet and represents the manifestation of God that we

are not and the manifestations of God that we do not have in our lives because of what we are not. All of life and

all of what we have is happening between these two extremes – between the extreme of what we truly are, the

Sun, and that which we are not and do not have, Saturn. Both of these planets are necessary, because it takes both

what we are and what we are not to define us. The Avasthas of the Sun and Saturn are, therefore, of greatest

importance, the very foundation of the individual’s life, and need to be analyzed before analyzing the other


Each planet has its own responsibilities to perform, however, in the event of having a “bad day” as shown by

unfavorable Lajjitaadi Avasthas, a planet will share its responsibilities with one or two other planets. The effects

of a planets Avasthas, therefore, should be examined in conjunction with that of the planet with whom he shares

responsibilities. Saturn and Mars; Sun, Mercury and Jupiter; and the Moon and Venus share responsibilities.

Ironically, often the planet which shares a responsibility with another is an enemy to that planet.


Saturn’s Avasthas are the most important to determine the extent of an individual’s suffering as it is Saturn

who signifies starvation, or lack. One of the Avasthas, the Kshudhita Avastha, is the condition of being starved,

which is to say the condition of being “Saturn.” Thus, Saturn’s Avasthas indicate the bottom line of just how

much starvation an individual is capable of suffering. Its Saturn’s Avasthas that determine how damaging all other

starved planets will be upon the individual’s physical, mental, energetic and emotional health.

Saturn is the least visible planet and so indicates what we show the least of, namely our weakness. It is our

weakness that causes us to get stuck in some manner. Saturn indicates imprisonment (which is better defined as

lack of freedom), and one’s pain and torment. Lack of freedom results in a state of slavery, another indication of

Saturn. Thus pain, imprisonment and slavery all coming from weaknesses that have been overrun, are the

indications of a troubled Saturn. Resistance to these things are indicated by a favorable Saturn. Saturn specifically

indicates resistance to any and all external factors that may reduce one to a state of weakness, rob one of freedom

and cause pain.


Sun starving Saturn

The Sun starving Saturn reveals that the individual identifies with that which they are not and that which they

do not have. Identifying with that which one is not, is to be identified with one’s weaknesses, to be identified with

that which is not perfect in the individual. The normal human condition is to possess weaknesses, this is one half

of what makes us different from others - what makes us individuals. There is nothing wrong with having

weaknesses, however, the person who identifies with these weaknesses, seeing these weaknesses as who they are,

can only suffer, and only cause others to suffer as well. Suffering will come in the form of jealousy, haughty

behavior, arrogance or timidity. All of these will have the same effect of there being a lack of creative freedom

without which the individual cannot create an inspired destiny. The results of this are slavery to more creative

individual’s or slavery to one’s own petty conflicts.

Moon starving Saturn

The Moon starving Saturn indicates that the individual hopes to fulfill themselves with that which they do not

have, to fulfill themselves with the manifestations of God that are not theirs and not in their lives. Such a person

will want to be fulfilled by something that is not part of who they are. We get what we are, we have what we get,

needing other things only creates emotional disappointment, and the Moon starving Saturn is always looking at

these other things and so always suffers emotionally. Moon starving Saturn indicates a huge need, a passion for

emotional fulfillment that can never by met. The result of this is a lack of emotional freedom, the inability to

express the emotions healthily and the inability to pursue and enjoy that which could be emotionally fulfilling.

Emotions cannot be expressed healthily as there is always the fear of disappointment, thus emotions are not

expressed honestly; or they may be expressed in a deranged fashion that alerts others of the unhealthy emotional

state, in which case these others will not want to emotionally connect with the individual. The individual will

become a slave to passions that flow not from fulfillment as do the healthy passion of inspiration, but which flow

from emotional neediness and which can only deter them in life and cause a host of troubles.

Mars starving Saturn

Mars starving Saturn indicates the tendency to attempt to protect or fix that which is not part of one’s

responsibilities – to not mind one’s own business, so often for doing good, but attempting to do good where one

is not meant to do, does no good and only wastes energy and becomes frustrating. Mars starving Saturn just as

often indicates a person who pushes their will upon others, again, not minding their business. These two extremes

can be determined by the strength of Mars. The stronger Mars, the more the individual will attempt to enforce

their own will, for the good of others of course, because Mars is noble planet who does want things to be better,

but wanting things to be better is not always part of the divine plan or the plan of another individual and can only

lead to frustration. All of this essentially stems from a lack of productive strategizing, trying to do things that are

not meant to be done upon which the energetic body becomes deranged and then the individual becomes a slave

to their impulses, or a slave to their lack of energy. This frustration and resulting energy derangement is very

damaging to both the physical and emotional health as the energetic body is the bridge between the emotional

and physical bodies. Of all planets that can starve Saturn, it is Mars that produces the most intensive physical

disorders. When Mars starves Saturn, energy is easily deranged from shocks, frights, abusive substances, excess

sexual activity, vaccines, drugs, coffee, sugar and any such things which radically alter the healthy flow of the

body’s energy.

Saturn starved or Saturn weak in Shad Bala

Any time Saturn is starved by any planet, or if Saturn is inherently weak on account of being low in Shad

Bala, there is a lack of physical freedom, the inability to use the body due to physical pain, damage or disease.

The individual becomes a prisoner to the limitations of disability and disease in some form. Such physical disease

is most seriously indicated if Saturn is weak in Shad Bala or if Mars starves Saturn. Such physical disease is 

almost as strongly indicated if the Moon starves Saturn, though the basis of the disease will be emotional and can

be healed rapidly with the restoration of emotional health. Such physical disease is only minorly indicated if the

Sun starves Saturn, though mental deterioration, especially in old age, is indicated.

Sun agitating Saturn

When the Sun is agitating Saturn the individual over identifies with their weaknesses to the point that they

cannot separate their weaknesses from the best of what they are. The result of this is that in their own minds, their

weaknesses blend into their strengths and there is no separation between the two. There is no clear-cut definition

between the unlimited potential of their spiritual nature and limitations of their egocentric nature. As a result, the

individual becomes unable to put their weaknesses into perspective or work on their weaknesses which leads to

frustrating situations and failures that they cannot fathom the reason for. They simply cannot see the link between

their weaknesses and the life that they have. The solution to the frustrations and failures of Saturn’s agitation is

developing an attitude of complete surrender.

Sun or Mars shaming Saturn

Sun or Mars shaming Saturn indicate that the lack indicated by these planets agitating or starving Saturn

respectively results in very poor actions over which feelings of guilt and shame develop. There is cause for shame

on account of the lacks resulting in depressed or tragic situations. When the shame occurs in the 5th Rasi from the

Lagna, the lack creates lack of consistency and follow through in the individual’s actions. When the shame is due

to Ketu, the individual is hypersensitive and aware of the weaknesses of their afflicted Saturn to such a degree

that Saturn becomes absolutely debilitated, which is to say that the individual has no capacity for bearing

hardships or burdens and thus feels ashamed of what little they can do. These weaknesses will often be hidden by

the individual. When the shame is due to Rahu, the individual has no clear awareness or understanding of their

weaknesses and acts as though they were very strong and so get involved with things much more difficult than

they are capable of, they can only fail and feel ashamed.

Saturn proud

Saturn proud can weather a tremendous amount of mental, emotional and physical shocks without succumbing

to slavery and pain. Proud Saturn can stand up straight and tall and say, “These same failures, disappointments

and afflictions have all happened to me as well, but I am still creating, honest with my feelings and robust


Mercury delighting Saturn

Mercury delighting Saturn provides a healthy sense of detachment, and the ability to seek out productive

answers to one’s problems. These reduce the shocks to Saturn and assist in finding people, methods and modalities

with which to heal from mental, emotional and physical shocks. Failures are seen as attempts to see, “is this the

right path?” with the answer given, “no, not this one, must be another way…” rather than personal attacks (Sun

starving Saturn), shunning (Moon starving Saturn), or lack of capability due to poor strategizing (Mars starving

Saturn). Essentially, Mercury finds the best possible path by using those things it does not have and which do not

work as bumpers that push them onward to what does work.

Venus delighting Saturn

Venus delighting Saturn indicates that Venus correctly appraises those things that are not part of the

individual’s reality, or not healthy for the organism as unfavorable. Venus will thus have no interest in these

things and will not allow these into the life of the individual. This reduces stress and thus time and vitality are not

wasted in recuperating from negative experiences. Instead, energy can be applied to what is good and what does

work in the life of the individual. 

Jupiter delighting Saturn

Jupiter’s role is to express virtue and as virtue makes all things better, he delights any other planet that he

joins. Virtue can be found in all things, so when Jupiter is stuck with Saturn, stuck in situations that are not

working, Jupiter can see the goodness and purpose in that.

Mars and Saturn

Mars and Saturn work as a pair. Once the resistance of Saturn has become overthrown, the individual is in a

stage of emergency, whether mental, emotional or physical emergency. Upon emergency, it is Mars who comes

to the rescue and makes his best attempt to fight that which is threatening one’s mental ideas, emotional needs,

or physical wellbeing. Likewise, Saturn will support Mars in his responsibilities when required: If an individual

performs activities that put their system into a state of emergency, such as the consumption of unhealthy food,

Mars must act quickly to deal with the emergency causing agents. Eventually Mars will be to worn out to deal

with the emergency causing agents, at which point the only line of defense is Saturn’s disease resistance.


The Sun is the most visible planet and thus the largest and brightest part of everyone. It’s what is seen at the

end of the day, it’s the most what is given to the world and that which can make the world a brighter place for

others. The Sun is the creative inspiration which is the only true limitation of the human spirit on Earth. It is the

Sun that allows an individual to make the personal sacrifices that truly make a person great – an individual greater

than their personality.

Saturn starving Sun

Saturn starving the Sun blocks the expression of one’s most true self. This is generally the result of poor selfesteem due to experiencing demeaning situations that left no room for success. In the individual with weak

physical disease resistance, these circumstances will be circumstances in which they found themselves physically

less able and thus not capable of success. In the individual with weak energetic disease resistance, these

circumstances will be circumstances where they find themselves being pushed around or unable to follow through

on their own ideas. In the individual with weak emotional disease resistance, these will be circumstances where

they could not connect, fit in or be understood and so were not given the opportunities to be successful. In the

individual with weak mental disease resistance, these circumstances will be due to the individual not

understanding their place in position to everyone else’s and thus creating problems with working with other’s or

problems with putting forth their best due to not understanding themselves properly. These “demeaning”

situations are nothing more than being in the wrong place – being in a place where circumstances or expectations

do not favor the individual’s innate gifts. Self-esteem is nothing more than the knowingness of what gifts one has

to offer to the world and to others. These gifts are not everything and they are not perfection, they are just

something, however great or small, that is part of the divine plan. When the foundation of self-esteem is missing,

everything in life becomes imbalanced. The key to overcoming the effects of Saturn starving the Sun is to let go

of all notions about oneself, about what one deserves, about what one is here to do, about how good or bad one is

and instead allow the natural self, which is filled with gifts, to emerge.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Venus starving Sun

Venus sees the Sun as something desirable, something necessary, and as is Venus’s manner, Venus attempts

to obtain this from external sources. The Sun is our creative inspiration, inspiration by its very definition comes 

from within, not from external sources. The creativity of the Sun when starved by Venus, comes, therefore, not

from inspiration, but from what is seen as wondrous, but created by another or created by nature – rather than

from inspired self-creation. The fire of inspiration is thus lacking. This fire is the most powerful fire available,

the fire that can burn through all the gross setbacks of life – through the disappointments, the health problems,

the disasters, etc. The one thing that can be truly counted upon to always light the way is the fire of inspiration,

the fire of the Sun. Venus starving the Sun lacks this unquenchable fire. As long as the individual’s creativity is

linked to some external creative force the person can feel alive, but when that link is broken, there is nothing left

for the person. When life does not work out in a fulfilling way, existing may feel hopeless. When life does lead

to a fulfilling path, there will be great enthusiasm and strength, but how long does any such path that is not selfcreated last?

In those of weak mental disease resistance, Venus starving the Sun will cause a person to lack true creativity

and while they may appear to be creative and helpful, this will only be so long as something or someone they are

connected to pushes them along and not something that is truly self-motivated or inspired. In those of weak

emotional disease resistance the inability to be self-creative will cause them to be needy for the connection to a

motivating force and to feel lonely or empty when no such force is in their lives. In those of weak energetic

disease resistance, inconsistency will be found in all their activities. In those of weak physical disease resistance,

their health will succumb much more quickly due to the lack of creative fire which also enlivens the health.

Sun starved or Sun low in Shad Bala

Anytime that the Sun becomes starved or is low in Shad Bala a lack of consistency in creativity and building

a better world is indicated. The fires of life and the fires of health will flicker at times and make a person

susceptible to wasting at least some small portion of their life and suffering from some ill health.

Saturn shaming Sun

Saturn shaming the Sun indicates that lack of self-esteem causes the individual to fail in their actions due to

inconsistency and lack of steady focus or events larger than the individual’s potential, which is limited by the

Sun’s shame. If the shame is due to Saturn in the 5th Rasi from the Lagna, lack of self-esteem results in low will

and commitment to one’s actions. If the shame is due to Ketu’s conjunction, low self-esteem and extreme

sensitivity allow for only crippled actions with failure often hidden behind indifference. If the shame is due to

Rahu’s conjunction, low self-esteem will be masked by arrogance or strong self-centered intention, both of which

have no basis in any strength and while the individual will often attempt to do great things, lack of commitment,

nobility, and power to succeed will eventually reveal themselves. In all cases of a shamed Sun, the person will be

unable to fulfill their commitments and promises and they will have shameful behavior particularly in positions

of leadership where they simply do not have the self-esteem to act nobly in all situations.

Mars shaming Sun

Mars shaming the Sun indicates that the individual puts a great deal of pressure on themselves and will never

be satisfied with any success on their part.

Sun Proud

When the Sun is Proud the individual can suffer great strains and stresses and yet continue to shine, create,

help and support others. When not under such stresses, they are capable of doing great good, creating

masterpieces, holding up the lives of many people or making great self-sacrifices.

Moon delighting Sun

The Moon is the planet of self-nourishment, of adapting oneself and adapting the world around oneself so as

to fulfill one’s needs. When the Moon delights the Sun, the individual seeks nourishment through the pursuit of 

its creative inspirations, which are something that can truly fulfill a person and which are completely under their

own control. This is, therefore, a very healthy strategy that gives a feeling of focused excitement and purpose to

life, which fill the needs of the heart and the mind and which gives direction. All of these allow for a person to

achieve prosperity, thus fulfilling the needs of the body as well.

Mars delighting Sun

Mars delighting the Sun indicates that the efforts of the individual are directed towards creative ventures and

creating a better world for not only themselves, but for all concerned. Actions are directed nobly and towards

noble ventures.

Jupiter delighting Sun

Jupiter delighting the Sun indicates that the individual finds purpose and happiness in following their

inspirations and creating and manifesting a better world. Virtue and goodness flow through the creative faculties

of the mind.


The Avasthas of Mars are extremely important for it is Mars who carries out the most important assignments

of the Sun and it is Mars who protects the individual when the resistance of Saturn has been overcome. Mars in

troubled Avasthas thus limits what the Sun and do and causes the problems of Saturn to be more insurmountable.

Mars represents Sattvam “strength of character.” The strength to act nobly through the proper exertion of both

will power and won’t power. Won’t power is more essential help to improve Saturn problems while will power

is most essential to support the inspiration of the Sun. Mars in favorable Avasthas supports both of these, while

in poor Avasthas he compounds any problems of the Sun and Saturn and even if these are free of problems, he

will create his problems of his own that deter much from the quality of life. Ultimately, its Mars who is the planet

who fixes things, including our own problems. Will power, self-restraint and training, these are the things that

make us better people, these things are all Mars and his Avasthas have much to say upon a person’s ability to

struggle towards a better existence.

Mars importantly represents our associates, those with which we do things with such as siblings, office mates,

neighbors, team mates, etc. The Avasthas of Mars has much to say in regards to how well a person will get on

with their associates and as working with others is such a large part of life, an afflicted Mars creates many

problems for a person.

Saturn starving Mars

Saturn starving Mars indicates that the will of the individual is lost in order to allow for the ego to feel good

about itself. Rather than allowing for the healthy expression of the will being directed towards the direction that

the individual wishes the will to be directed, the will is bottled up and frustrated in order for the ego to look good

or proper, or in order to prevent a fight that would be taken as threatening or discomforting.

Mercury starving Mars

As the only natural enemy of Mars, Mercury is the most common planet to starve Mars and thus becomes the

most important indicator of how well Mars is doing in most horoscopes. Mercury is the planet of examination

and experimentation and his job is to examine all possibilities with an open mind that only cares for one thing

and that is the accurate examination of things. The accurate examination of things, can, however, have problematic

repercussions when Mercury is focused on Mars. Mars represents the individual’s concepts that arise out of their

need and vision for life. Each individual is meant to exert themselves in alignment with these concepts. Doing so

gives the individual the feeling that life is moving forward. That they are living a life that matters. That what they 

are doing is making themselves and their life better. That the fight of life makes a difference. The truth of the

matter is, at least to the Mercury starving Mars individual, that no act of will matters. From Mercury’s point of

view, this is entirely true, but Mars needs to believe that the game is not rigged, that he can act, work and make a

difference. The will needs to feel this way to keep Mars happy. An engaged will, is a happy Mars. A will that

shudders in the face of greater forces, gets lost. The will needs to believe that its fight is the fight that matters, or

else it cannot fight the fight it needs to fight – which is a fight that does not matter. In the face of the greater

understanding of Mercury, Mars feels powerless and insecure and this transfers to the individual, who is left

feeling powerless with a deep insecurity. This insecurity leads to many possible problems.

The greatest problem that this leads to is wanting life to be different without any exertion of the will. This

desire leads many Mercury starved Mars people to “beg” God instead of leading with their will; to visit astrologers

instead of living life rationally. Eventually life appears as a game that is not fair, a life that is not fair, a life that

cannot be changed and ultimately, a life that is not worth living. For life to be worth living Mars has to approach

it with zeal and adventure and the hunger for an outcome that it can bring about.

Wanting life to be different without any exertion of the will at an extreme state can cause a person to be cut

off from any and all ideas, strategies or thoughts that could serve them well. They won’t even be able to hear such


Sun delighting Mars

When the Sun delights Mars, Mars becomes very focused on fulfilling the creative vision of the individual

and very intent on making their world better. Mars is fueled by inspiration and so becomes more steadfast and

committed in its actions. No Mars can do more than can a Sun delighted Mars.

Sun agitating Mars

When the Sun agitates Mars, Mars is first delighted, so it becomes an inspired Mars, however, it is also an

agitated Mars. Agitated Mars lacks flexibility of will. On the battlefield of life, constant adjustments are necessary

to one’s strategies. Mars agitated is unable to adjust their strategies to the emergencies and situations that come

up and so frustrating failures do happen. The vision of the Sun overwhelms the logical things that must be done

at times in order to bring that vision about. The individual will have a vision to have things be a certain way, but

not have the strategic adaptability to bring the vision to its most capable reality.

Sun shaming Mars

When the Sun shames Mars in the 5th Rasi from the Lagna, the passion for what they are inspired to do

combined with the inability to respond to emergency situations causes the individual to fail in their obligations at

times. While it may appear that they will be the most capable in a particular situation, which obliges them to

fulfill the responsibility, when things start to go wrong, they will not be as capable as expected.

When the Sun along with Ketu shames Mars, an insecurity of the will paralyzes the individual during the times

of greatest need, causing a situation for them to be ashamed about.

When the Sun long with Rahu shames Mars, there is the great exertion of the will, but not the accurate

knowledge of their limitations and so they are sure to take on more than they can handle and fail.

Saturn shaming Mars

When Saturn shames Mars in the 5th Rasi from the Lagna, the suppressed will of the individual will cause

them to take on responsibilities that they really do not desire and so they will not do a great job with these

responsibilities and thus feel ashamed. Alternatively, frustration and anger may cause them to do important things


When Saturn along with Ketu shames Mars there is great weakness of will that will cause a failure to be

ashamed about.

When Saturn along with Rahu shames Saturn, an explosion of will, or the misguided will leads to a tragedy.

The will becomes misguided as it does not feel secure in doing what it wishes, so instead it becomes destructive.

Moon delighting Mars

Moon delighting Mars shows that the person strives to be a better person within themselves and in action.

They realize that the best way to get their needs met is to act appropriately.

Jupiter delighting Mars

Jupiter delighting Mars gives purpose and meaning to Mars, who therefore applies himself with devotion and

wisdom, as a result, things that a person fights for work out.


planets which focus upon the Moon affect the Moon’s ability to adapt to the possibilities of the environment

in order for the individual to grow healthily and be nourished. A Moon with favorable Lajjitaadi Avasthas easily

adapts in order to allow for the best possible life. A Moon with unfavorable Lajjitaadi Avasthas gets stuck, is

unable to adapt, grow and evolve with the circumstances of life and so becomes malnourished and deprived of

the essentials it needs to maintain its wellbeing. The Moon is rarely starved, but often ashamed. Shame is the

most common complaint of the Moon. When the Moon is shamed, it is guilt, shame and self-loathing, all of which

lead to low feelings of being good enough or deserving enough that causes an individual to not allow itself to

benefit from the possibilities in the environment.

Saturn starving Moon

When Saturn starves the Moon has experienced numerous occasions during which they were not provided

what they needed. In most cases, in fact, not only was there no possibility of the needed being provided, some

kind of abuse was given instead. The result of this is a personality that ceases to believe that there is any hope for

the world to provide what it really needs. The only defense to deal with life is a gradual hardening of the

personality. And all that is combined with the weak resistance to emotional disappointment of the Moon starving


Sun delighting Moon

When the Sun delights the Moon the individual adapts their needs to the greater vision of their life. Their

needs being streamlined with their vision allows for greater happiness.

Sun agitating Moon

When the Sun agitates Moon, Moon is first delighted, so needs become inspired by the individual’s vision.

The Moon, however, is also agitated and so the individual is often not capable of adapting in ways they really

need to in order to be fulfilled as a complete person. A rigidity of their vision hampers them when they have to

adapt to the limitations of the world and they will often choose to have nothing over adapting and having

something workable.

Sun shaming Moon

When the Sun shames the Moon in the 5th Rasi from the Lagna the rigidity of one’s vision causes a failure in

the fulfillment of their responsibilities. When the Sun along with Ketu shames the Moon, there is an extreme 

sensitivity both emotionally and in respect to all that the individual hopes to do that causes them to be very

perturbed by their failings. And failings will be the result of the inability to stand firm against the pressures of the

world. When the Sun along with Rahu shames the Moon the individual’s focus on their destiny combined with

the inability to adapt to the limitations to the world and a lack of sensitivity or lack of realistic expectations sets

them up for very shameful events.

Saturn shaming Moon

When Saturn shames the Moon in the 5th the individual is not sensitive to what is important and thus fails in

fulfilling what is most important. When Saturn and Ketu shame the Moon, the individual is wracked with deep

debilitating pain and trauma and thus unable to be sensitive to what is most important and unable to act upon what

is most important. This debilitating pain will at some point cause a failure that they are ashamed over. When

Saturn and Rahu shame the Moon, the need to escape one’s pain is so great that they act shamefully.

Mars shaming Moon

When Mars shames the Moon in the 5th the individual emphasizes their needs above their duties and so makes

some shameful choices. When Mars and Ketu shame the Moon, the individual is inhibited from doing what is

most important to them and their energy being unable to do that, damages them and their actions. When Mars and

Rahu shame the Moon, the individual sees their needs as what they really, really need to do and so take whatever

actions necessary to fulfill those needs.

Moon Proud

The Proud Moon when unafflicted most graciously fulfills its need, adapts to the environment and works with

the good things in the environment to be the most fulfilled possible given any circumstances. When ashamed or

starved, it will not do so as graciously, but more painfully, perhaps stiffly, more self-consciously, but it will still

do it.

Mercury delighting Moon

When Mercury delights the Moon the individual very readily and easily find the best possible situation and

just as easily adapts to it so as to be as comfortable and fulfilled as possible.

Jupiter delighting Moon

When Jupiter delights the Moon, the goodness, virtue and joyful nature of the individual allows them to feel

happy in most situations. Their merit creates environmental influences that are very favorable to the needs of the



planets that focus upon Jupiter determine Jupiter’s ability to inwardly deepen wisdom and joy and to manifest

virtue as a beautiful concrete example of the inner virtue. In short, the condition of Jupiter indicates the goodness

that the individual is cultivating within themselves and which they thus have to offer to the world. Just as the

friction in the atmosphere creates a spark of thunder that lands upon the earth and releases nitrogen which allows

for the plants that are food to grow, a good Jupiter is a Jupiter that churns goodness within the person that is

released into the world and upon others. When Jupiter is in troubled Avasthas, the Individual attempts to find this

goodness in places where it is not to be found and so at best, only receives momentary pacifying joys.


Mercury starving Jupiter

Mercury the great investigator and discoverer when starving Jupiter is very capable of finding what is good

outside of themselves. They are also very capable of gaining that good thing, whether it be a path, a profession or

a person. They are not, however, very capable of joy within themselves as they are too busy seeking that joy in

the goodness that is outside of themselves rather than the source of that joy which is the goodness that is found

within themselves.

Venus starving Jupiter

When Venus starves Jupiter, Venus recognizes the value of good things and desires to possess or enjoy them.

Venus will do what it takes to possess or enjoy the good things in life, the things that they believe will give joy

and happiness. The focus, however, on finding joy externally leaves Jupiter feeling starved because the only joy

that delights Jupiter is the joy that comes from within. Venus seeking this joy externally when it starves Jupiter

leaves the person starved of purpose, the purpose of life being that of goodness flowing through a person and not

goodness being enjoyed by a person, as Venus wishes it to be.

Saturn starving Jupiter

When Saturn starves Jupiter, the individual does not have much fire with which to flare up the goodness inside

of themselves, rather this force is being used to protect the individual from damaging tragedies, to get them

through life.

Saturn shaming Jupiter

Saturn shaming Jupiter by joining Jupiter in the 5th from the Lagna indicates that the lack of good and

purposeful motivation causes a person to spend less time fulfilling great responsibilities that they could potentially


When Saturn along with Ketu shames Jupiter the individual finds that what they believe or what others around

them believe in does not validate who they really are too they point that they feel like bad people. These feelings

are usually deeply buried and the individual can spend their lifetime learning to feel like a good person.

When Saturn along with Rahu shames Jupiter the individual carries a self-destructive quality within them that

is from feeling ashamed about who they are as they are somehow unable to see themselves as good. As a result

of this, many extroverted behaviors are brought about in an attempt to somehow prove to themselves that they

are good or all right. Even a flaunting of behaviors may occur during which the individual will do things that no

one can call good as they make the point of “See what I can do, and it does not matter, it does not change who I

am, I am still all right!”

Mars delighting Jupiter

Mars delighting Jupiter fires Jupiter up to do good. The urge to do good that all people have, gains fire and

courage from Mars and so greater good flows through the individual.

Mars shaming Jupiter

Mars shaming Jupiter in the 5th is very fired up to do what they see is good, to the extent that they will allow

no authority above them to curb their actions with the result that they can get into trouble for doing things not

approved by their superiors.

When Mars and Rahu shame Jupiter, the individual is not clear on what is truly good and though fired up to

do good, they often fail to be truly good due to this lack of understanding. The will be strong in their beliefs, but

these beliefs are skewed.

When Mars and Ketu shame Jupiter, the individual has strong beliefs of what is right and good, but finds that

their beliefs do not work in the context of their life and the reality around them. As a result, it becomes impossible 

for them to act in the good and noble way they wish to. They must learn to let go of their beliefs and ideas that

they hold in measuring what is right and good. Oftentimes individuals with this combination become frustrated

with trying to be good and eventually just give up on the entire idea of right and wrong.

Sun delighting Jupiter

The Sun and Jupiter are the two most noble and inspired planets, so when the Sun delights Jupiter there is an

emphasis of creating a better world. Goodness flows through the individual as their creative vision of making the

world a better place supports the flow of goodness through them.

Sun agitating Jupiter

When the Sun agitates Jupiter the Sun first delights Jupiter and so their creative vision of making the world a

better place does support the flow of goodness through them, however, the individual over identifies with the

good that they hope to do and so suffers stress. “The master does his work and then forgets about it, that is why

it lasts forever.” – the Tao te Ching. Sun agitating Jupiter struggles with forgetting about it.

Sun shaming Jupiter

When the Sun shames Jupiter in the 5th, the Sun first delights Jupiter and so their creative vision of making

the world a better place supports the flow of goodness through them, however, due to an attachment to fulfilling

the vision they have, this vision may appear more important than some of their simple responsibilities which they

may then not fulfill and then have cause for shame.

When the Sun and Rahu shame Jupiter the impulse to do good is very, very strong, but the understanding of

what is truly good is not well developed and as a result a person, though believing they are doing good and though

even appearing to do good in many cases, actually does much to be ashamed of.

When the Sun and Ketu shame Jupiter, the individual greatly desires to do good and their idea of good is very

high due to the Sun and Jupiter conjunction, however, they find themselves unable to do the good that they deeply

hope to do and they will fail in the performance of some important deed. This failure is the result of their goodness

not being able to be guided correctly when faced with the choices that their life offers them as whatever guiding

source they may be trying to follow does not have the answers that they need for their lives. Additionally, due to

the self-doubt of Ketu on the Sun, they doubt their own intuitions of the right thing to do and even when they

follow these intuitions they are not validated by external sources.

Moon delighting Jupiter

When the Moon delights Jupiter the individual fulfills their needs through focusing on the good that they can

do. The Moon focuses on Jupiter and sees the good that can be done and how doing good is simply the best thing

that can be done. The most expedient way to have the good life that the Moon needs in order to feel comfortable

and secure is to focus on doing good things, and this is exactly what the Moon delighting Jupiter does.

Jupiter Proud

Jupiter proud allows for a lot of goodness to flow through a person, so much in fact that even when pushed

into difficult situations the person will still do the right and good thing.


planets that focus upon Venus affect how Venus is able to obtain necessary fulfillment and nourishment from

the world in a way that is not damaging to the self or to others. Any time that Venus is in poor Avasthas, the 

individual acts in ways that are damaging to others and thus ultimately damaging to themselves, or in ways that

are damaging to themselves and ultimately to others as well. Venus in favorable Avasthas, on the other hand, is

particularly adept at getting their needs met while also seeing to the needs of others.

Moon starving Venus

When the Moon starves Venus the individual desires to get an unfulfillable amount of their needs met from

external sources, particularly from the irregularly flowing fountain of human love. The result of this is an

emotional state that is dependent upon the ups and downs of their love life. Additionally, no human love will be

satisfying as no human love can provide for ALL emotional needs. The individual will also attempt to adapt the

object of their love to that which they believe will fulfill their needs. The tendency will be to see their needs as

the needs of the partnership, not realizing that in a partnership the needs of three parties need to be addressed:

that of the individual, that of the partner and that of the partnership. When love does not work and they have a

separation, these individuals easily renew their capacity for affection with a new partner.

Sun starving Venus

When the Sun starves Venus, the individual focuses their creativity and intelligence on getting fulfillment

from external sources. The creativity and intelligence are used to get attention, love and fulfillment; however, this

leaves the individual in an unfulfilled condition because they are then only loved for what they do, not who they

are. The intelligence and creativity may also be used to acquire desirable worldly objects or achieve desirable

worldly goals, but as no object or goal can love the individual, these objects are also found to be unfulfilling.

Essentially, a huge attempt to find fulfillment in a world is being made by doing and acquiring, but as none of

these things make the part of the individual that needs to be loved and renewed to feel loved or renewed, Venus

remains unfulfilled. The need to be the center of attention in order to feel a kind of love, though not a real love,

does not leave a lot of working space for their partner and in extreme cases they can even feel slighted by their

partners when their partners take action to fulfill their own needs that do not include the individual.

Due to the Sun rarely aspecting Venus, and if it does, to only a negligible amount, practically speaking Venus

is only starved by Sun when in Leo. When joined by the Sun, Venus is agitated which is a slightly different


Sun agitating Venus

When the Sun agitates Venus, the individual uses their creativity and intelligence on getting fulfillment from

external sources just as does the Sun starving Venus; however, the people and things which they acquire are not

compatible with their needs for fulfillment. There is no opportunity for them to acquire that which could be

fulfilling to them as they are much too busy doing to recognize what they really would need and as what an

individual need’s is always different from what they are doing and who they are, they only get that which they

are doing and who they are, not which they need. There is a conflict with what they are doing and what they need

with that which they need being ignored in the face of what they are doing. If the individual wishes to be fulfilled

in this world, the individual need to recognize the difference of what they need to do as dictated by their inspiration

and responsibilities and what they need in order to feel fulfilled and try to allow for some fulfillment in that area.

Generally, however, the needs get lost in the face of what they are doing.

Sun shaming Venus

When the Sun shames Venus the individual is ashamed because they have been unable to make their marriage

type relationships work. In modern societies, this usually means 2 or more marriages or marriage like

relationships, in more traditional societies, it means a frustrated marriage. Due to the Sun agitating Venus as

well, there is always an insurmountable incompatibility with their partner, or an incompatibility that damages the

person’s life. 

When Sun shames Venus in the 5th Rasi from the Lagna, the individual fails in some of their responsibilities

due some insurmountable incompatibilities with their partner, or due to becoming emotionally drained due to not

being rejuvenated by their relationship. Essentially, the problems of the agitated Venus interfere with the person’s

life in a major way that makes it impossible for them to keep their relationship.

When Sun along with Ketu shames Venus the individual is unable to venture out to enjoy the good things of

the world. There is great personal as well as social inhibition that prevents them from finding a compatibility

partner and which also prevents them from relating to their partner in such a way as to gain what they need from

their partner.

When Sun along with Rahu shames venus the individual has no idea of what they need from love, nor are they

able to behave in a way that allows them to be loved for who they are and as a result they are only disappointed

in love and attract the wrong people.

Saturn delighting Venus

Saturn delighting Venus understands that something has to be given up in order to have a good relationship.

A relationship is about giving and receiving, nobody understands this better than does Saturn delighting Venus.

To have a person in your life, requires giving something up, yet so many people refuse to do that, but not the

Saturn delighted Venus.

Saturn starving Venus

Saturn starving Venus only happens when Saturn joins Venus and this indicates the fate of having an

unfulfilling partnership – the fulfillment one gets is less than the work required. In a man’s chart this often means

having woman who has some difficult burdens to bear of her own that makes her less than the ideal partner. In a

woman’s chart this often means the relationship not serving her great purpose in life. In both cases, the individual

does much that they get no returns for and which do not help them in their life path. These people do understand

that a relationship requires giving something up, but they never get a fair return for what they do give up. Also,

in their life in all areas, they will find it very difficult to find fulfillment and rejuvenation and thus often turn to

drinking or other extreme forms of enjoyment, especially if Saturn also shames Venus. The inability to rejuvenate

leads to a breakdown of the physical health as well.

Saturn shaming Venus

Saturn shaming Venus has all the effects of Saturn starving Venus with the addition of problems to be ashamed

over. When Saturn starves Venus in the 5th, the despair of pained love causes a person to drop so many things in

their life.

When Saturn along with Ketu shames Venus, events happen in their relationships that makes them feel totally

discontented with love, unable in love and regretful of every having tried something that they would end up

feeling so badly about themselves over.

When Saturn along with Rahu shames Venus, the person is never able to be happy in their love life due to

both their partner’s inability as well as their own unfathomable desires and fears. Out of these desires and fears,

the individual will perform shameful actions.

Mars shaming Venus

When Mars shames Venus passion leads to shameful events. Mars and Venus in the 5th Rasi from the Lagna

indicates that passion disrupts responsibilities. Mars and Rahu shaming Venus indicates that excess passion that

is so great that it may dictate the individual’s life and lead them to shameful events. Mars and Ketu shaming

Venus indicates great passion that is restrained and inhibited – the extent of this passion will often cause them to

feel ashamed simply for the amount of passion they possess and as it is not expressed, it builds up to a point that

may lead to an energetic breakdown of some sort that gives an unusual reason to feel ashamed. Individuals with 

this combination are wrestling with their passions and often successfully transmute some or all of these passions

into healthy channels upon which they can become great individuals.

Venus Proud

Venus Proud has a great deal of vitality with which to rejuvenate and also wisely chooses how to rejuvenate.

This allows the individual to recover from so many trying situations in life, for which they can be proud. They

also have reason to be proud in their relationships, with men being proud of their wives and women being proud

of their marriage.

Mercury delighting Venus

Mercury delighting Venus gives Venus a great ability to interact, exchange and comminute with the world in

such a way as to create win/win situations with whomever they engage. They are very, very skilled at getting

their needs met while being conscientious to see that the needs of others are equally met.


Mercury’s Avasthas determines the ability to find the best methods, means and ways to have the most

successful, meaningful and fulfilling life possible. This is largely done through investigating the possibilities


Moon starving Mercury

When the Moon starves Mercury, the individual wants the possibilities available to them to be what they want

and need them to be, however, such is not often the case. As a result, the individual will not clearly examine the

possibility in an honest light and instead hope or imagine the possibility to be what they want, when in fact, it is

not, and so only disappointment follows and again no progress is made towards the fulfillment of life’s plans.

The Moon will try to adapt the possibility to fit their needs, but the possibility is the possibility and cannot be

changed. Rather than enjoy the possibility for what it is good for, they will try to adapt to their needs until the

realize it will not fulfill their needs at which point they leave it, unhappily. This tendency will also be directed

towards their friendships.

In most cases when the Moon starves Mercury, Mercury will also delight the Moon, due to mutual aspect or

conjunction, so there is one favorable Avastha and one unfavorable. To determine whether the individual will

progress on account of the favorable or become stuck because of the unfavorable, examine the Avastha influences

upon each other to see if the unfavorable Avastha does more or less damage than the favorable Avastha.

Saturn starving Mercury

When Saturn starves Mercury the individual feels like the options in life are very limited. Fate has somehow

limited the investigation of their possibilities and the exploration of their talents. Often some responsibility

relative to the houses ruled by Mercury, the houses ruled by Saturn or the house the starvation takes place in is

that which limits the exploration.

Saturn shaming Mercury

When Saturn shames Mercury the options in life become limited due to some event that they feel ashamed

about. When the shame is caused by Mercury and Saturn in the 5th the event limits the exploration of the greatest

things they could have possibly done. When Saturn and Rahu shame Mercury options in life become limited due

to bad planning with the result of a shameful events leading to the limited options. When Saturn and Ketu shame

Mercury, the individual becomes attached to ideas or ways, that prevent the expansive exploration of other 

possibilities. Occasionally a Saturn and Ketu shamed Mercury will find themselves in situations that are simply

limited by the environment and they have to learn to live happily with those limitations.

Sun delighting Mercury

When the Sun delights Mercury the individual’s vision for creating a better world flows throw the possibilities

before them. Their intelligence readily sees the greatest possibility for the people they meet and the situations

they encounter.

Sun agitating Mercury

When the Sun agitates Mercury, Mercury is first delighted and so the individual sees the greatest possibilities

for the people they meet and the situations they encounter, however, they are too close to these people and

situations and so readily become frustrated when the best possibilities are not realized. The actual possibilities

the people and situations are meant to follow are often quite different from their vision of what could be – in

essence the possibilities are often incompatible with their vision.

Sun shaming Mercury

When the Sun shames Mercury there is first Sun delighting Mercury so the readily sees the greatest

possibilities for the people they meet, their own lives and the situations they encounter. However, not fulfilling

these possibilities for some reason leads to feelings of shame.

When the shame is caused by the Sun and Mercury in the 5th Rasi from the Lagna the frustration of others not

following through on what the individual has provided, or somehow not appreciate those things, causes the

individual to stop doing as great of things as they could have.

When the Sun with Ketu shames Mercury the frustration of others not appreciating what the individual has

provided creates a feeling of disdain and the person themselves has not taken advantage of the best possibilities

in their own life due to inhibition.

When the shame is caused by Rahu and Mercury, not knowing oneself, the individual makes plans for things

that they do not complete due to these planets not really reflecting who they are.

Mars shaming Mercury

When Mars shames Mercury in the 5th Rasi from the Lagna, the individual becomes overly focused on some

possibilities, while not necessarily putting the energy into what most needs to be done as a result of which

problems will develop over which they will have some shame.

When Mars and Ketu shame Mercury the individual is a deeply independent thinker who being directed, to

much, by their own fixed thoughts that they do not have the flexibility of thinking to make the most of what is in

their lives. Generally, these are brilliant people in some capacity and this brilliance is just what keeps them from

seeing some other very obvious facts. They may be quite studious and intelligent people who do not trust their

ideas at all and thus feel ashamed at what they perceive as a lack of intelligence.

When Mars and Rahu shame Mercury the individual is very much learning about what really will work – what

possibilities they can realistically put their energy into and have success with. They are usually short of knowledge

and experience and so often find themselves in difficult situations where they encounter frustrating failures. When

they do find success, they often do not feel like the deserve it as they are very aware of their lack of experience

and so don’t believe they are capable. As a result of this, they may act quite aggressively in what they do, due to

the need to assert themselves and hide from the feeling of lack of capability.

Mercury Proud

Mercury Proud is proud due to what they have been able to do in their lives – considering the possibilities that

they were born in and which were available for them throughout their lives, they really did make the most possible

out of their lives. 

Venus Delighting Mercury

Venus delighting Mercury helps the person feel like they made the most possible out of their lives because

they are able to find the most fulfillment with the possibilities that lay before them. They understand that the best

possibility is the possibility that is most emotionally fulfilling and that to get the most out of something requires

that the other thing benefits equally.


Three cycles are revealed by the Lajjitaadi Avasthas: The cycle of Sun to other planets; the cycle of Jupiter to

other planets; and the cycle of Saturn to the other planets. The cycle of Saturn when he is found in the same Rasi

as another planet, thus starving that planet, is the cycle of Karmic retribution – the time when the planet joined

with Saturn becomes purified by burning the effects of bad Karma. The cycle of Jupiter when he is found in the

same Rasi as another planet, thus delighting that planet, is the cycle of Karmic reward – the time when the planet

joined by Saturn becomes purified by pleasantly burning the effects of good Karma. The cycle of Sun when he is

found in the same Rasi as another planet, thus agitating that planet, is the cycle of spiritual growth during which

the soul wishes the individual to sacrifice the human needs of that planet to instead fulfill the only one true need,

that of the Sun, the soul, to unify with spirit.


Same lord conjunctions reveal many truths that are not otherwise seen in the horoscope, at the expense of

creating some possible confusion; particularly when creating a starvation by Saturn, an Agitation by the Sun, or

a shaming by Rahu or Ketu. In these cases, the starvation of Saturn is not as severe, and if Saturn is a friend as

well to the planet he is joining, consider the friendly aspect of Saturn as a delight, though the delight will never

be as strong as the starvation – it will mitigate much of it. Similarly, the agitation of the Sun as not as severe and

if the Sun is a friend as well to the planet he is joining, consider the friendly aspect of the Sun as a delight. The

shaming by Rahu or Ketu which also requires Sun, Saturn or Mars – if any of these five planets are shaming

through same lord conjunctions, consider the shame of a more minor sort than if they were actually found in the

same Rasi. It is a secondary shaming.


All these Avasthas are behaviors rooted in our consciousness due to our thinking patterns, hopes and strategies

developed through our different past lives. Each of these patterns of thinking get set into our consciousness by

early life experiences. The unfavorable Avasthas indicate unfavorable experiences that hurt us and which cause

us to adopt an unhealthy strategy. The favorable Avasthas indicate favorable experiences that teach us healthy


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