Keyword Templates for Chart Reading

Using keywords and templates can help jump-start your chart reading ability.

Planet Keywords

Sun - soul, confidence, generosity, power, ego, father
Moon - feeling/emotions, connection, family, others, mother
Mars - vitality, focus, aggression, logic, innocence, friends, brothers
Mercury - speech/communication, skills, intellect, flexibility, humor
Jupiter - wisdom, meaning, optimism, children, teachings
Venus - pleasure, sex, happiness, beauty, comfort, laziness, lovers
Saturn - fear, hard work, commitment, stress, isolation, old people
Rahu - obsessions, attachment, exaggeration, expanded perception
Ketu - dissatisfaction, detachment, solitude, scrutinizing, anonymity

Sign Keywords

Aries (Male Mars – HEAD – Moveable Fire) courage, strength, bold, brash, sharp
minds, action, impulsive

Taurus (Female Venus – FACE – Fixed Earth) comfort, pleasure, steady, devoted,
sensual, family, food

Gemini (Male Mercury – ARMS – Dual Air) speech, knowledge, sensation, skilled,
curious, unfocused

Cancer (Female Moon – CHEST – Moveable Water) intuitive, emotional, attached,
nurturing, shy

Leo (Male Sun – SOLAR PLEXUS – Fixed Fire) inspired, uplifted, overpowering,
burning, domineering

Virgo (Female Mercury – BOWELS – Dual Earth) responsible, dutiful, worried, pure,
critical, alone

Libra (Male Venus – HIPS - Moveable Air) hesitant, love of beauty, other people,
social, shallow

Scorpio (Female Mars – GENITALS – Fixed Water) obsessive, sensitive, secretive,
probing, self-protective

Sagittarius (Male Jupiter – THIGHS – Dual Fire) generous, optimistic, faith inspired,
adventurous, orthodox

Capricorn (Female Saturn – KNEES – Moveable Earth) serious, ambitious, reserved,
practical, responsible

Aquarius (Male Saturn – CALVES – Fixed Air) humility, servitude, humanitarian, focus
on others

Pisces (Female Jupiter – FEET - Dual Water) fantasy, imagination, spiritual,
endings, creativity, devotion

House Keywords

1st house (Sun) truthful nature, body, general health, the head, personality

2nd house (Jupiter, Venus) values, self-expression, income, security, childhood

3rd house (Mars, Mercury) self-will, siblings, power and prowess, friends, motivation,zeal, rashness, curiosity

4th house (Moon) emotional state, mother, feeling potential, peace, property, deepestsensitivity, inner life

5th house (Jupiter) intelligence, creativity, children, education, romance, past life merit,

6th house (Mars, Saturn) competition, illness, debt, things breaking, immune system,
hard work, service.

7th house (Venus, Jupiter) long-term relationships, general relations with others,
business associates

8th house (Saturn) transformation, other people’s money, dissolution, sex, death,
hidden side of life, research

9th house (Jupiter) religion, philosophical or ethical principles, god’s grace, dharmashaping
life events

10th house (Mercury, Jupiter, Sun) career, public status, fame, success, impact on the
world, politics.

11th house (Jupiter) highest aspirations and goals, financial gains, impulse, excess,
large groups of people

12th house (Saturn, Ketu) subconscious, hidden nature, isolated through sorrow or
peace, liberation, loss

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