How to remember the nakshatras


We need to remember the following sequence to start with :

Chart 1

S.No.     Planets                                Dasha ( Years)   

1.            Sun                                       6

2.            Moon                                  10

3.            Mars                                    7

4.            Rahu                                    18

5.            Jupiter                                 16

6.            Saturn                                 19

7.            Mercury                              17

8.            Ketu                                     7

9.            Venus                                  20


It is important to remember their sequence and years.

How long does a planet stay in a sign?


The Sun spends about 30 days in each sign.
The Moon spends about 2 1/2 days in each sign.
Mercury spends about 14 to 30 days in each sign.
Venus spends between about 23 days to a little over 2 months in a sign.  
Mars stays in one sign for about 1.5 months.
Jupiter stays in one sign an average of one year.
Saturn stays in one sign for about 2 1/2 years.
Uranus stays in one sign about 7 years.
Neptune stays in each sign about 14 years.
Pluto stays in each sign between 14 and 30 years.


Planet Sun has different names in Hindu religion Ravi, Arun, Dinamani, Dingar, Mitra, Surya, Bhanu,Kha , Pushya,Hiranyagarbha, Marichin, Aditya, Savitr, Arka, Bhaskara, Diwakar, Prabhakar, Dinesh, Mihir, Nabheshwar, Martanda, Tapan.

In English it is Sun, in Arabic it is Shams, in Persian it is Khurshed .

Sun is the centre of our solar system and 9 major planets and their moons revolve around our sun. Sun has a diameter of 1.3927 million km or 696,340 km radius.

According to hindu mythology (Sanatana Dharma, Daksha Prajapati had 2 daughters, Aditi and Diti, who were both married to Rishi or sage Kashyapa

Diti gave birth to both the Marutas and the Asuras (Daityas) with the sage Kashyapa and Aditi gave birth to the Surya (Sun) and other celestial bodies.

Surya's wife or consort's name was Sandhya. Sandhya had a sibiling named Chhaya who was a consort to Sun.

Once, when Sandhya couldn't handle the intensity of Surya, She held Chhaya in front of her as an offering to Him. during that time, Chhaya gave birth to 9 sons of Surya. One of those sons, is considered Shani dev or planet Saturn. 

Surya is the mythological father of many notable sons, including Manu (progenitor of the human race), Yama (god of the dead), the Ashvins (twin physicians to the gods), Karna (a great warrior in the Mahabharata), and Sugriva (king of the monkeys in the Ramayana). The Puranas (collections of Hindu myths and legends) record that the weapons of the gods were forged from pieces trimmed from Surya, whose full emanation was too bright to bear. His power was conceived of as dispelling darkness, curing disease, and heating and illuminating the world.

Surya on his chariot with his charioteer Aruna 

It is said Surya dev has 7 horses and one charioteer Aruna. When He enters the sign of taurus, equal days and night are present on earth and with each passing sign gemini, cancer, leo, virgo an hour keeps decreasing at night and the day time increases with each sign. 

and when Surya enters scorpio, saggitarius, capricorn,aquarius and pisces then each hour of the day goes on decreasing and hours of night keep increasing with each sign transit.

Scientifically, Sun is 93.472 million miles or 150 million km away from earth and 13 lakh times that of earth's size.

Sanskrit texts: How many days in a year?
Hindu textEstimated length of the sidereal year[48]
Surya Siddhanta365 days, 6 hours, 12 minutes, 36.56 seconds
Paulica Siddhanta365 days, 6 hours, 12 minutes, 36 seconds
Paracara Siddhanta365 days, 6 hours, 12 minutes, 31.50 seconds
Arya Siddhanta365 days, 6 hours, 12 minutes, 30.84 seconds
Laghu Arya Siddhanta365 days, 6 hours, 12 minutes, 30 seconds
Siddhanta Shiromani365 days, 6 hours, 12 minutes, 9 seconds

The oldest of these is likely to be the Surya Siddhanta, while the most accurate is the Siddhanta Shiromani.