Parivartan Yoga

 Whenever planets in kendra or Angle interchange signs then this results into Maha-Parivartan Yoga. The planets in question shouldn't be at low degrees(<5°) or high degrees (>25°) (eg: Jupiter at 2.4° in the sign of gemini and mercury at 3° in sagittarius for a Virgo asc.) this will weaken the effect of Priavrtan yoga.

Besides the kendra placement, Maha-Parivartan Yoga is also applicable to houses of wealth and gain i.e. 2 and 11 respectively. If planets in these exchange the signs the native will have good gains throught their lives. Maha-Parivartan Yoga is exteremly powerful yoga which is no less than a Raja yoga.

kahal parivartan yoga occurs 3rd house lord exchanges sign placement with any other lord expect the lords of  3rd, 6th or 12th. 3rd house is considered as a uppaychya house and isn't considered a benefic house because according to Bhavat bhavam its the 8th house from the 8th. Due to this it is the 2nd most important Parivartan yoga after Maha-parivartan yoga

Dainya parivartan yoga occurs when lords of 3rd, 6th and/or 12th make parivartan yoga which any other house lords. eg: jupiter is 6th house lord and Venus is lagna lord in taurus asc. chart. When these planets exhange the signs, Dainya Parivartan yoga occurs which is considered the weakest parivartan yoga since it is exchanging signs with Dusshtanna houses.

Dusshtanna lords (6th, 8th and 12th) exhanging their sign placement is NOT another parivartan yoga instead it is considered to be a Viparit Raja Yoga. which is an excellent Yoga to have in one's chart. 

Now, suppose if 2 planets are creating parivartan yoga and either of the planets are conjunct with a planet. So how will the result be? let's take an example of libra asc.

In this example Mercury and Jupiter are forming Parivartan yoga between 6th and 9th houses.

Mercury and Jupiter are creating parivartan yoga by themselves here but since both of these planets are conjunct with other planets, mercury is with mars and sun and jupiter with venus, these other planets will also manipulate the privartan yoga.

hence, in this case, 5 planets are forming parivartan yoga and impacting the native through acccordingly. 

So when you look at a chart, these planets should also be considered as these will give parivartan yoga results in the chart through the planets they are conjunct with.

Consider 2 planets, eg: moon and mars are making a parivartan yoga, mars is in cancer and moon is in scorpio. Now this is a special case where both the planets are in their debilitation signs. So this will actually give the results of Neech bhang Raja yoga. because now moon has the support of mars and mars has support of moon. there's a mutual relation between them and avoids any harmful effects usually caused when they're by themselves or conjunct.

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