Atmakaraka & Karakamsa


Kārakāṁśa is composed of two words – (1) ‘kāraka’ referring to the ātmakāraka specifically and other Charakāraka (temporal significators) as well and (2) ‘aṁśa’ referring to the navāṁśa and other divisional charts. Kārakāṁśa refers to the navāṁśa (and/or other divisional charts) where the ātmakāraka is placed and such a sign is treated as the kārakāṁśa-lagna or seat of the real self, the soul and the first house for determining all things connected to deep inner desires and creation cause itself.


The sign/navāṁśa occupied by the ātmakāraka gives us a clue as to the desire of the ātman and the nature of the ātmakāraka gives us vital information about the nature of the ātman, its spiritual development etc. Some of my experiences are listed below:

  1. If a malefic planet is the ātmakāraka, it indicates a high level of spiritual development whereas a benefic planet as the ātmakāraka indicates a relatively lower level. Example: Rāhu was the ātmakāraka for Srila Prabhupada and Ramakrishna Paramhaṁśa.
  2. The ātmakāraka invariably indicates suffering during its Vimśottari daśā, especially if a malefic. During the Nārāyaṇa daśā of the sign occupied by the ātmakāraka or those aspecting it, great achievements are made. If the native is spiritually inclined then the daśā of the ātmakāraka can be beneficial.
  3. A retrograde ātmakāraka indicates a deep-rooted desire as being the cause of the birth. This has to be seen from the nature of the planet which becomes the AK. For example, if Mars is AK and retrograde, then there is a very strong desire related to succeeding in some battle or competition in this planet and the native will be dragged into innumerable fights and will be fighting all the time. The solution lies in finding the best self defense strategies based on Kārakāṁśa of which, Ahimsa is the greatest. Similarly, if Saturn is the retrograde AK then the desire would manifest in the native doing something related to the elders or old knowledge in new bottles. When retrograde, this desire is very strong and will be the cause of all direction in life. The other signification of Saturn is sorrow and if the native gives sorrow to others, especially elders and those who are like Guru, then know that he is running a bad time and a lot of sorrow is in his destiny (in any case). The best remedy for him would be to develop a stoic attitude towards the acts and words of others and keep prodding in his path. In this manner, the retrogression is to be understood.
  4. Combustion of AK gives spiritual insight.

Planets as ātmakāraka: 

1.       Sun as AK indicates the native has to learn to overcome his ego and should become humble.

2.       Moon as AK indicates that the native should be very caring and compassionate.

3.       Mars as AK indicates that the native should refrain from all forms of violence and stick to the path of Ahimsa.

KP House Grouping


House Grouping

Not single but multiple houses play role in any event of life. In KP terminology, these groups of houses for the event is called "House Group". This is also referred as Formula by some KP astrologers. In the table below we need to combine primary houses and supporting houses to come up with the house grouping for the event. For example, event "Good health" has 1,11 as house group. Event "Proneness of disease" has house group 1, 6, 8, 12. 

There are two uses of the House Grouping table below -

1. Knowing whether the event is promised in one's chart or not
If the cuspal sub lord of primary house signifies primary and supporting houses, the event is promised. Please read "Chapter 2: Fundamental Principles" to get better understanding. 

2. When the event will happen  
Events happens when the planet-lords of current dasa (dasa lord, antardasa lord, pratyantardasa lord, sookshma lord etc.) signifies house group. For example, one has "Good health" when one passes through dasa of the planets signifies houses 1,11. Similarly, "Proneness to disease" happens when one passes through dasa of the planets signifies 1,6,8,12. Again, please read "Chapter 2: Fundamental Principles" to get better understanding. 

1.  Events relating First House.
Type of Query/ EventPrimary HouseSupporting Houses
Good health1,11 
Proneness to disease16,8,12
Unnatural Death12,7,Badhaka,12 (8)
Accident18, 12
Success in self efforts111 (6)
Status and Respect110, 11 
Short Life2,7,Badhaka 
Long Life 1,5,8,11 

2.      Events relating Second House.
Type of QueryPrimary HouseSupporting Houses
Financial Status22,6,11
Obtaining Loans211 (6)
Obtaining Jewellery211
Defect in Speech, Vision212,8
Insurance claims28,11
Medical claims26,8,11
Opening bank account26,11

3.      Events relating Third House.
Type of QueryPrimary HouseSupporting Houses
Signing a contract36,9,11
Meeting Bank officer for overdraft36,9,11
Filing a court case36,11
Getting Passport, Green card, Visa39,11,12
Starting journey35,9,11
Negotiations39,11 and the cuspal position that represents the purpose
Change of place- Transfer310,11
Younger co-born proneness to sickness38,10,2
Computer programmer32,11 (10)
Publication as Profession32,11 (10)

4.      Events relating Fourth House.
Type of QueryPrimary HouseSupporting Houses
Basic education411
Purchase of property, vehicle, furniture411,12
Sale of property etc.43,5,10
Taking possession of flat, quarter etc.49,11
Laying foundation of a house411
Occupying a new house411
Mother’s proneness to sickness49,11,3
Engineering as subject of study410
Medicine as subject of study46
Law as subject of study46 or 9
Fine arts as Subject of study45
Teaching as Profession42,6,10 (9)

5.      Events relating Fifth House.
Type of QueryPrimary HouseSupporting Houses
Child Birth52,11
Love Marriage57,11
Success in sports56,11
Sports, fine arts, film, speculation as profession52,11 (10)

6.      Events relating Sixth House.
Type of QueryPrimary HouseSupporting Houses
Disease- Nature & Part6Involved cusp
Promise of Loan62,11
Secret activities of Partner65
Success in competition61,11
Success in Litigation61,11
Recovery from disease65,11
Disease unknown in medical science65,11
Medical Practitioner62,11 (10)
Legal profession62,11 (9,10)

7.      Events relating Seventh House.
Type of QueryPrimary HouseSupporting Houses
Second child72,11
Danger from opponents78,12
Loans from Bank76,2,11

8.      Events relating Eighth House.
Type of QueryPrimary HouseSupporting  Houses
Criminality as Profession82,11 (10)
Unexpected Gains82,11
Unexpected Loss85,12
Receipt of Gifts86,11
Ornaments or cash from inheritance82,11
Property, vehicle from inheritance84,11
Recovery of lost articles82,6,11
Unnatural death81,12
Death due to sickness86,12
Death due to accident84,12
Committing rape85,12
Surgeons82,11 (10)

9.      Events relating Ninth House.
Type of QueryPrimary HouseSupporting Houses
Long Journeys93,12
Higher education911 (4)
Second Marriage97,11
Third Child92,11
Father’s proneness to sickness92,4,8
Success in spiritual discipline96,11
Politics as Profession92,6,11 (10)

10.  Events relating Tenth House.
Type of QueryPrimary HouseSupporting Houses
Service or Business106,7
Commission as Business103,11
Name & Fame101,11
Promotion in Service or Business102,6,11
Break in Service105,9
Problems in Business or Service105,8
Suspension in Service105,6 (8)
Compulsory Retirement105,9 (8)
Voluntary Retirement101,5,9
Removal from service105,9 (8)
Export Business102,6,11 (12)
Medical Practitioner102,6,11 (8)
Publications as Profession102,6,11 (3)
Legal Profession102,6,11 (9)
Politics as Profession102,6,11 (9)
Teaching as Profession102,6,11(4,9)
Computer Programmer102,6,11 (3)

11.  Events relating Eleventh House.
Type of QueryPrimary HouseSupporting Houses
Winning in Love115,7
Satisfaction of Desires111
Sexual relationship with friend117,5

12.  Events relating Twelfth House.
Type of QueryPrimary HouseSupporting Houses
Repayment of Loan125,8
Recovery of Lost article122,6,11
Secret activities as profession122,11 (10)
Gain in Investment122,6,11
Loss in Investment125,8
Danger from involvement in secret activities127,8
Receipt of secret documents124,11
Success in research126,11
Export Business122,11 (10)
Foreign Travel123,9

Some other House Groups -

How to remember the nakshatras


We need to remember the following sequence to start with :

Chart 1

S.No.     Planets                                Dasha ( Years)   

1.            Sun                                       6

2.            Moon                                  10

3.            Mars                                    7

4.            Rahu                                    18

5.            Jupiter                                 16

6.            Saturn                                 19

7.            Mercury                              17

8.            Ketu                                     7

9.            Venus                                  20


It is important to remember their sequence and years.